It's All About Babies

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Baby Sleep Tips

Getting a baby to adjust to a normal sleep schedule can be a challenge for new parents. Here are some tips so that both you and your baby can get a good night's rest.

1) Establish a routine - A kiss good night or stroking the baby before sleep can calm the child, or bathing and cleaning the child before bed time. Make sure to repeat these patterns. Once the baby becomes familiar with this routine, they will know that it is time to sleep. Also, make sure the baby sleeps in the same place and in the same conditions as much as possible.

2) Try lullaby music - Lullaby music can calm the child as can white noise CD's. The sound of a vacuum cleaner is also known to have a soothing effect.

3) Make sure that the room temperature is not too hot or cold and that the baby is in a location that is away from any noise or distractions that may cause the baby to awaken.

4) Shorten nap time during the day - If the baby sleeps too much during the day, then he or she may not be able to sleep as well at night. When napping, keep the lights on and try not to give the baby any cues that it is bed time by avoiding the night routine. No need to wake the child from napping, but if conditions are brighter and a bit noisier, then the baby will probably wake up on its own.

5) Rocking - Rocking and massaging the baby can relax the child and this may be good as prelude to sleeping through the night.

6) Read a story - Read a story or spend some time with the baby before bed, instead of just dropping the baby off in the crib and leaving. This extra time will allow the baby to transition into sleep.

7) Feeding - Make sure the baby is getting good nutrition. If you must feed the baby in the middle of the night, make sure to keep the lights dim so as to not disturb the baby's sense of time.

8) Make sure that it is quiet at night and that there is activity during the day. Babies need to learn the difference between night and day.

About the Author - Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. For more related articles, go to Baby Lullaby and Baby shower information (

Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits above remain in tact and the hyperlinks stay active.

When To Start Teaching Your Baby (1)

When is it that I should start teaching my baby? That is a question that may come to mind for many first time parents; other parents may never consider the question at all, and just leave things to evolve naturally.

In a way, that is an unnecessary question as, whether you like it or not and whether you mean to or not, you begin teaching your baby while it is still in the womb, and then continue through its early years, teenage years, and even into adulthood. So, perhaps it is better to rephrase that question slightly to "when should I consciously start teaching my baby?"

Even with the rephrased question, the answer is the same: while the baby is in the womb. How can that be?

While the baby is in the womb it starts to learn about its environment after about six months of pregnancy, when it is capable of hearing external sounds. Of course, it is aware of its internal environment earlier than that, but there is little you can do to enhance that. But when it comes to the external environment, you are in a position to have some influence even from that early stage of development.

What Can You Teach Your Baby In The Womb?

With the baby in the womb there is clearly a very limited scope for teaching as such. However, you can provide additional stimulation that will form an important part of their learning at that stage. You can provide many hints as to what the outside environment is like, in a way that sets a good foundation for their feeling of love and security.

The main external awareness of a baby in the womb is sound. If you can make the external sounds comforting and welcoming then that will help the baby more than you may think. Music is a proven stimulation to babies, especially classical music; a daily dose of Mozart will stimulate the baby's brain and senses. With any luck, they will become a musical talent, but that is not an issue at this stage of their development.

You do not, of course, have to restrict her to classical music. Whatever music you like, just turn the volume up a bit more than usual to ensure she hears it. The sound will be muffled, but by the time baby is born, she will be used to your musical tastes. Your aim should be to make the outside environment familiar to the baby. Most of that will happen naturally, and she will become used to the daily sounds, such as vacuum cleaner, liquidizer, lawnmower and other domestic noises that are penetrating.

Our baby daughter was born in the Philippines, where our usual form of transport is a tricycle. I do not think it a coincidence that, once she was born, she was contented with the noise of a tricycle; and they are noisy here, I assure you, especially outside the womb! However noisy the tricycle, she would always be asleep within a minute or two, and even now at 20 months is particularly relaxed on a deafening tricycle.

If you want to insist on having a most important sound in the womb, then it must be the voices of the parents. Getting to know the voice of mum and dad will come naturally, but dad especially can get up close and talk to the baby in the womb. It will not talk back of course, but you can rest assured, if she is awake, she will be intrigued by your up close and personal voice. It is something I did every evening with Saffron. That also had the effect of keeping her awake as long as possible during the evening, so she was less restless at night. That can be very helpful for mum to get a good night's sleep.

Another external stimulation which I never learnt about for my now grown up children, and that is light. This can be even more useful for keeping baby awake in the evening. If you take a powerful flashlight, switch it on, and hold it close to mum's tummy, the baby in the womb will respond to it. I must say I thought it a silly idea, until the then unborn Saffron started moving every time the light was switched on. So, the flashlight became another tool in the "keep baby awake in the evening" campaign to stop mum being kicked so much during the night.

Maybe Saffron did not appreciate my "keep her awake" tactics. She was probably wondering "who is this guy keeping me awake all the time; doesn't he realise I want to get some sleep?"

However, she does seem to have done well on it. She has slept like a log all night, every night apart from one, since she was just a few months' old. The odd night? Apparently, a bad dream at 11 pm. A quick cuddle and words of reassurance, and she was back to sleep again.

Whether that has any connection to her in-the-womb experiences, I cannot say for sure. But I will definitely be using the same tactics again next time, if we are blessed with a baby sister or brother for her.

This teaching baby article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the Bouncing New Baby website. Ably assisted by his baby daughter, he is also responsible for the Baby Blog

Baby Room Decor Tips & Hints

When you plan for a baby room decor, the best thing would be to give attention to detail. Choose the one which would look eye catching to your guests, pleasing to you and comfortable to the baby. A well lit room could be beautiful provided it does not affect or strain the babys eyes.

Moving on first to baby furniture. Baby furniture consists of items which could make the baby sleep and eat comfortably. An ideal, comfortable crib (which could give it sound sleep), high chairs, night stands (to store baby items in one place), and changing tables make up a furniture set for the baby.

The most important item in the furniture and of course the baby room decor is the crib. The crib has to be strong and durable, from a reputed company. It should be free from rough edges or unnecessary protrusions. The paint should not be lead based. Make sure that there are no decorative items which could hurt its head, back or limbs. There are cribs which have a one sided or two sided openings. You will also find cribs which are convertible and portable ones. There are cribs which look like cradles with a gentle rocking motion making your baby have a hearty sleep.

The baby room decor should ideally have the color combinations and schemes which could complement or blend with the furniture. The paint should be non toxic. Also spare a thought to get good carpets and interesting wallpapers. You can go for vibrant and vivid wallpapers or you could even choose wallpapers which could fancy your babys eyes like cartoon characters or animations.

To make a baby room decor is a job of pride for every parent. It is like giving the best place in your home for your baby. Not only that, you are decorating it for your baby making it look special and lovely in the best manner possible. If you do not want temporary wall paper which you might have to discard later because your baby might fancy something new sooner or later, you could apply solid color on the walls.

You could also use a removable wall paper which you could change as and when you want. You could also inexpensive area rugs on cork or wood floor. Hard floors are less messy, they dont gather allergies or dust, and you can easily replace the area rugs. You could get frames and lamps wherein you could fit pictures which could fancy your baby. You could even put in her/his picture.

Get soft toys and dolls which are non toxic. Buy the best night stands where you could put your babys clothes, diapers and little bottles. The night stand which could have a color which could complement the color of the room should be closer to its bed and the changing table. The changing tables height should be of the right type, neither too or too low.

Pay attention to the window as well. A valuable tip in baby room decor for windows would be to keep the curtains that end at the window sill. If the curtains or blinds drop down to the floor, they could be pulled by the baby, especially when it is crawling.

Baby room decor is not a tough job at all, all you have to decide is about the babys safety, comfort and the space required for its movement. Then decorate it in such a way that could put a smile on your babys face.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Baby Shower Centerpieces, Free Baby Shower Games and Baby Clipart.

Pregnancy Week By Week

There are three stages of pregnancy. These are the first, second and third trimesters. The first trimester runs from week one to week fourteen, the second covers weeks 15 26, then the third is weeks 27 40.

Week 1+2: This is actually before you get pregnant. Its the stage where your body prepares itself by ovulating. And its in these 14 days that the egg is fertilized by the sperm

Week 3: The fertilized egg now moves down the fallopian tubes, fluid passes into the ball of cells, dividing them into two. The inner cells will form your baby and the outer cells will form the placenta. Your body, at this stage, is still unaware that it is pregnant. The implantation begins as the cell ball reaches the wall of the uterus. In this process the cells actually bury into the uterus wall, which can sometimes lead to you having spotting. The implanted cell ball now becomes an embryo.

Week 4: This is a week of rapid development, and your body now realises it is pregnant. The amniotic sac and cavity begin to develop and also the Yoke sac appears (this will later form the babys digestive system). The placenta now starts to form where implantation took place and blood from you will now go into the placenta. It is usually about day 27 that we start to feel the morning sickness.

Week 5: The primitive streak (the fore runner of the brain and spinal cord) is now developing. Through this primitive streak the cells will develop into three layers:

The endoderm: the bottom layer develops the glands, lung linings, tongue, bladder, digestive tract, tonsils, urethra and associated glands.

The mesoderm: the middle layer forms the muscles, bones, heart, lungs, spleen, blood cells, and the reproductive and excretory systems.

The ectoderm: the top layer forming the skin, nails, hair, eye lens, nose, mouth, anus, tooth enamel, pituitary gland, mammary glands, and all parts of the nervous system.

Other cells will be starting to develop the spine (called the notochord). The first steps towards forming the embryos head, and the first formation of the babies blood cells happen this week.

Week 6: The first few days of this week is when your babys heart starts beating. The aorta (the largest artery in the whole body) will be starting to form at around day 40. By mid week many organs are starting to form: eyes, arm buds, liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines, lungs and pancreas.

Week 7: This is a busy week for your growing baby. During this week your baby will double in size. The lenses of the eyes are developing and there is also a recognisable tongue. The legs and arms are developing into paddles, the jaws are now visible.

Week 8: The cerebellum starts to form this week. Thats the part of the brain responsible for the movement of muscles. Also hand and foot plates, elbow and wrist areas are forming. Towards the end of the eight week the hand plate has formed ridges where the fingers will be. There is further development of the eye; pigment is now appearing on the retina. Teeth buds are now forming within the gums, along with the wind pipe, bronchi, and voice box. The heart is now starting to develop the four chambers.

Week 9: Your baby is now starting to form cartilage and bones. During this week the ovaries will develop into the sex organ determining whether youre having a boy or a girl. The fingers and thumbs are now taking shape. Also the baby is now becoming more active.

Week 10: Its now that your embryo has become a baby, all be it on a rather small scale. There is a fully formed upper lip. The development of the heart now slows as it is past the critical stage. By mid week the earlobes are fully formed. Toes start to develop on the foot plate. As the bones of the palate (roof of the mouth) start to fuse together, the tongue starts to develop taste buds.

Week 11: as the morning sickness starts to subside, you may feel your appetite increase. Your babys body starts to straighten. In males the penis is now distinguishable and in females the vagina is beginning to develop. This stage is where the baby starts to show individuality, as the muscle structure varies in each baby.

Week 12: Your baby will start to develop fingernails over the next three weeks. The brain is now the same structure as it will be at birth. By the end of the week, the gall bladder and pancreas will be fully developed. Also the baby will now be opening and closing its mouth.

Week 13: This week vocal chords will form in the larynx. Also the intestines will move from the umbilical cord into the abdomen, and will start to form folds and become lined with villi.

Week 14: You may have noticed some changes to the areola (the area around your nipple); it may be getting larger and darker. Your babys heart beat will now be able to be heard using a Doppler. Breathing, sucking and swallowing motions will be being practised. The breathing practises will take the amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs. Babys hand also becomes more functional.

Week 15: The babys neck is now defined, with the head now resting on the neck rather than the shoulders. The hair pattern of the baby will be defined by the 102nd day of the pregnancy your baby will now be able to turn its head, open its mouth, kick, press its lips together and turn its feet.

Week 16: This week the babys toe nails will start to grow. The muscles will be growing stronger and the neck and head are growing straighter. As the uterus starts moving upwards you may start showing more, but this does mean less pressure on your bladder, making you feel like urinating less.

Week 17: Your baby will be working on more reflexes this week; blinking, sucking, and swallowing. Development is carrying on with all the existing structures. Through the course of this month your babys weight will increase 6 times.

Week 18: By mid week your babys eyes and ears will now be in the right places. The finger tips and toes will develop pads, and toe and finger prints will start to develop later in the week. Myelinization, a process of coating the nerves with a fatty substance called myelin which speeds up nerve cell transmission and insulates nerves, will start happening this week. Also by the second day of this week meconium (faecal waste) will start developing in the babys bowels.

Week 19: A creamy looking substance that covers the babys body, vernix coseosa, will start to form. This protects the baby and its developing glands and sensory cells. If youre having a baby girl primitive egg cells are now developed in the ovaries, in fact females are born with all the eggs their ovaries will ever have.

Week 20: Most of the major development has now taken place, and the danger zone of the first three months is now over. Your baby will be waking and sleeping, just as newborns do. Also the formation of fine scalp hair and eyebrows will begin.

Week 21: Your body is replacing the amniotic fluid very three hours at this stage of your pregnancy. Babys leg and arm movements increase as the muscles and bones become stronger. By the end of the week a stethoscope will be able to detect the babys heart beat.

Week 22: If the baby is a boy, the testes will start to move from the pelvic area into the scrotum. The hair on the head and eyebrows is now visible as white and short.

Week 23: The bones in the middle ear start hardening making the conduction of sound possible. The baby will start to gain some considerable weight between now and next month. The size of the babys body will start to get into proportion though the head will remain larger than the rest of the body.

Week 24: The skin of your baby is wrinkled, but will smooth out as fat is deposited. Also by the end of this week the babys heart beat is so strong it is some times possible to hear it by placing an ear on your stomach.

Week 25: Babys skin is now turning a reddish/pink as capillaries start to develop. The nostrils will now start to open, as they have been plugged unto now. The lungs will start developing blood vessels and the finger and toe nails will now be covering half the nail bed.

Week 26: with the nostrils now open, muscular breathing will start. By the end of the week the lungs will be secreting surfactant, a substance which prevents the lung tissue sticking together. Also with the formation of blood vessels in the lungs, they will now also be developing air sacks. Brain wave activity starts this week for auditory and visual activity.

Week 27: Bumping and thumping is becoming stronger as your baby grows stronger, you should be feeling around 10 kicks in a two hour period. Babys lungs are growing rapidly and there is continual development with brain patterns.

Week 28: This is when the eyelids un-fuse and open up. Muscle tone is improving, and the lungs are capable of breathing air. The chances of a baby being born premature from now on, has a greatly improved chance of surviving.

Week 29: Eye lashes have now grown, and although still unable to focus, babys eyes are now sensitive to dark and light. At this stage of pregnancy the senses of sound, smell and taste are developing. By the end of the week your baby will be able to move its eyes in their sockets.

Week 30: Baby is now storing up nutrients taken in by you. Calcium for skeletal development, protein for growth and iron for blood cells. By the end of the week the languno (the small hairs that covered the babys body), is nearly all gone apart from some patches on the shoulders and back.

Week 31: As the actual growth starts to slow down, the internal organs are still maturing, so make sure your still getting enough folic acid, iron and calcium. Should your baby be born this week they would have the ability to breath, see, listen learn and remember.

Week 32: The babys iris is now reacting to light. All five senses are now registering with your baby, although smell is limited as baby cant breathe air in the uterus.

Week 33: your baby may now be sucking its fingers. Constipation could be starting for you as your uterus puts more and more pressure on your bowels.

Week 34: The pigment of the eyes is not quite fully developed yet, this leaves the eyes looking blue regardless of final colour. And this week your baby will start to develop its own immune system.

Week 35: In baby boys the decent of the testes will complete any time now. Your baby may now shift into your pelvis in a head down position, but not all babies do this before birth.

Week 36: Dimples on the elbows and knees will be forming as well as creases in the neck area due to continual deposits of fat. Also this fat will help baby maintain its body temperature.

Week 37: Around 85% are born within two weeks of their actual due date (either before or after), so as you enter this stage be aware for signs of labour. The baby is practising being more aware of its surroundings; this is the orientating response. This is where the baby will turn towards any source of light. The end of this week marks the end of development, growth will now slow down.

Week 38: Meconium is accumulating in the intestines. Meconium is a dark green mass of waste product and cells from the gall bladder, liver and pancreas. Although shortly after birth this will all come out.

Week 39: as the baby is settling into your pelvis, you maybe feeling clumsy and off balance. This is because your centre of gravity shifts. Make sure youre prepared for your trip to the hospital.

Week 40: welcome to the final week, thats if you have not given birth already. Your body will be giving the baby antibodies so it can protect its self from many diseases. The baby will finish dropping into its resting place before birth. So congratulations and welcome to your new born child.

Article by Beverley Brooke
Visit for more on pregnancy week by week

Benefits of Making Your Own Homemade Baby Food

Making your own homemade baby food will ensure that what your child is eating is fresh, nutritious and free of additives. By making your own baby food, you'll be saving money. Also, you will have total control over what is put into your babys food. You can therefore take the extra steps to ensure that only high quality foods are selected and used. You will be able to feed your baby according to his or her needs because you will know what foods are best suited for your baby from experience.

Making your own baby food also ensures that your baby is exposed to a greater variety of tastes and textures. This will help your baby when making the transition to table foods and also help him or her develop healthy eating habits. See for a collection of articles on babies and toddlers.

Baby Food Preparation Tips

1. As babies are susceptible to digestive upsets, always work with clean hands and use clean cooking utensils, preparation surfaces, pots and pans etc., when making home made baby food. Prepare foods immediately upon removing them from the refrigerator and freeze immediately after cooking any foods you want to store.

2. Steaming vegetables is the best method of preparation. This softens them, makes them easier to chew, and preserves more of the vitamins and minerals than boiling. A steamer basket is cheap and by cooking fruits and vegetables in it, you'll be sure of keeping the nutrients in the food, instead of in the cooking water.

3. To puree your foods, you can use a fork, a food mill or blender. A blender quickly purees almost anything into the finest consistency. When your baby first starts on solids, you'll be pureeing things to a very fine consistency and, as baby gets a little older, you will make foods a little coarser. You may wish to buy a food mill which comes in large and small sizes. It is very handy and inexpensive. The food mill strains most cooked foods to a very smooth consistency, although meats can be a problem as they will have a coarser texture. Remember all the tools you need to make baby food are probably already in your kitchen.

4. You can prepare large amounts of foods at once and freeze them. Take your prepared foods and plop by spoonfuls onto a baking sheet. Freeze the plops right away and then take them off the sheet when they are frozen and put them into plastic bags. You can also freeze the food in plastic "pop out" ice cube trays. Small tupperware jars with lids serve the same purpose and stack easily. Label and date the packages rotate them putting the most recently frozen foods behind the previously frozen ones. Frozen baby foods can be stored for up to two months.

5. When you take frozen foods out for baby, warm the food in a cup placed in a saucepan of boiling water with a lid on. If you use a microwave to thaw or warm baby food, be sure to stir the food well to avoid hot pockets.

6. Cereals are typically the first foods given to a baby because they contain lots of iron. You can prepare your own, by running oatmeal through your blender. Fruits are generally given next. Except for raw, mashed banana, you will need to cook all other fruits till they are soft.

7. Try making your own apple sauce and pear sauce; don't add any sugar, as these fruits are sweet enough on their own. You can also peel peaches, plums and apricots and boil or steam them.

8. Buy and use organic fruits and vegetables. Use fresh and organic vegetables whenever possible in order to provide the best nutrition and flavor for your baby. Your baby deserves pesticide-free foods. Frozen vegetables are better to use than canned.

9. Yogurt, mashed cottage cheese, mashed pumpkin, baked potato, avocado and tofu (oriental soy bean curd) are all popular with babies. One good idea is to blend together cottage cheese, banana and fresh orange juice - delicious!

10. Meats should be added slowly. They can be boiled or broiled, then put in the blender with a little milk and perhaps banana or cream of rice to get the right consistency. Chicken is generally the first meat baby is introduced to and usually goes down fairly well.

11. There is no rush to start your baby on solid foods. Milk is his most important food. Your doctor's recommendations and your own intuition will help you to know when to begin introducing solids to your baby's diet. Introducing solids prepares the baby for the transition to adult food and offers further vitamins and minerals as the baby grows. Always remember to be patient with your baby and allow at least a few days between newly added foods to make sure the baby doesn't suffer any reactions.

Copyright 2005, Bridget Mwape writes for the Baby Shop UK: which features baby information including articles and discounts on baby products, gifts and advice from other parents.

This article may be republished as long as all the above links are active and clickable and this author box (byline) is not edited.

How To Get Your Baby into Baby Modeling?

Parents everywhere believe that they have the cutest baby in the world. I know I can probably speak for everyone when I say this. I, too, believe that I have the most adorable baby in the world.

Soon enough friends and family members are telling new proud parents that they should get their baby into modeling since they have the cutest baby in the world. This is when parents begin asking questions about baby modeling. The most common question is, How do I get my baby into modeling?

To answer most parents' main question, I would begin by telling parents that their child needs to be noticed. Parents can submit their childs photos to modeling agencies. Parents can also enter their child into online photo contests, online modeling contests, and traditional beauty pageants for more chances at being noticed by a potential company seeking a baby model.

Most online photo contests are free to enter and there are several baby photo contests online that you can submit your babys photo to. In addition to gaining valuable exposure and the potential for being noticed, your baby can also win money and prizes! Parents will also have tons of fun in the process. Three top online baby photo contests that I recommend are Free Baby Photo Contest, Baby Contest, and Baby You Should Be in Pictures Beauty Contest.

Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved

About The Author: Amanda Compton is a work at home mom to 2 little boys. She owns and publishes a fun site for Babies and Moms, featuring a free baby photo contest, mom forums, and lots of baby & mom information!

Feel free to re-print this article provided that all hyperlinks and author biography are kept as-is.

Does Your Baby Necessarily Need Shoes?

When you came up with such question, what will be your answer? You understand that your baby always in your arm and your baby cannot walk yet. So, what the need of shoes for your baby?

Dont get confused. Your baby is growing. She has different stages of growth; of course she needs different stages of baby shoes. Although some would say that letting your baby barefoot is okay, but still you need something to cover her feet. Your baby should have shoes to keep her feet warm such as soft-sole baby shoes which are made of light and flexible cloth that provides an extra layer of warmth.

There are three categories of soft-sole baby shoes for your kid which include smooth leather sole, suede leather sole and rubber sole. All are made for your baby from the early age up to a few months. These types of baby shoes are made resembling your baby being barefoot. It serve to protect the foot from cold, dirt, glass, uneven surfaces, tree roots, gravel, wooden decks, rocks etc. Many medical experts agree that barefoot is best, but not practical when standing, pulling up, cruising or walking.

You might find moccasins as an example of soft-sole baby shoes. Moccasins are nothing more than leather sewn around the foot. The moccasin has absolutely no structure to get in the way of the foot doing what it wants to do naturally. Moccasins have either smooth leather or suede leather bottoms which are sewn to the leather top part.

As your baby begins to be more active, the shoes change a little. You need more appropriate shoes for this age which are much sturdy. At this stage, there are so many styles of baby shoes. You can find for your baby girl or boy. The shoes also serve as protections while your baby already crawling or scooting.

The next stage of your babys shoes development is when your baby begins to walk. Shoes are important apparel for your baby. The style of the shoe is not as important as the protection and guidance a baby gets from those shoes. When the baby reaches the walking stage, it is probably time to spend a little more on a shoe that will support baby and protect his feet well.

When your child is getting bigger, you have to find more proper shoes that could protect your child feet from dangerous stuffs. In the first three years, your child feet undergo the most rapid growth and the average will grow several sizes. In fact, children's feet are not fully formed until their teens.

You must understand that size are different from manufacturer to manufacturer, shoe sizes will often vary from brand to brand. Leather is the most popular material for children's shoes because it lets air in while keeping moisture out, meaning feet stay cool and dry in most conditions. This is important because a child's foot perspires twice as much as an adult's. And since kids are tougher on shoes than adults, leather is also more popular than other materials because of its durability qualities.

So, it shows that since your baby born until your kid gets bigger, shoes always been important mean to protect their feet.

What Should You Consider When Choosing Baby Clothes

Are you expecting a baby? You might be tempted to buy babys clothes, although you know most of the time baby will always sleeping and crying during their first months, which obviously dont need fancy clothes to wear. But still you find dressing your baby with cute outfit will be an unforgotten moment.

You will find various kind of cute baby outfit. Dresses, jumpers, pajamas, and swimsuits are popular baby clothes most parents would like to have. Colors choices can be anything, but mostly baby girl wear pink color and baby boy wear blue color. But do not think, however, that this is the only color in which you can find for baby clothes. You can find baby outfits in almost all other colors.

The designs are also awesome for baby. You can find several designs, featuring flowers animals, toys, etc. You can also find many several pieces from brand name designers. Basically, baby clothes are not really expensive. But when it comes to branded baby clothes, you may find that they are rather expensive in comparison to lesser-known manufacturers of clothing. Though they may last a little bit longer, you will have to decide if the name on the label really justifies the price difference.

People spend a large portion of income on clothes, include for their baby. But, since babies are growing, you are unlikely to get as much use out of this clothing as you would like, right? So, you need to buy baby clothes carefully and hopefully it will last long although not from branded name.

Here is what you should consider when buying baby clothes:

Choose baby clothes with an ease of changing where you can change it anytime.

Make sure that the clothes have an easy access for diaper changes as well.

Try to get clothing with a stretchy neckline or those having a snap to widen the opening, as it will facilitate the changing of clothes. Clothing with snap crotches is great for diaper changes.

In addition to ease of changing, it is also important to consider the location of decorative items like snaps, buttons etc. verses babys comfort.

You should give a thought to how the baby will be laying on these decorative items of clothing and how these accessories may be annoying.

Prepare for a set of long johns for winter so that you can keep your baby warm.

If you want to save money, and also knowing that your baby will grow rapidly, its okay if you consider to buy used baby clothes as long as it still good and clean. You can also sell your baby clothes at the thrift stores or directly to other parents who are looking for baby clothing after you realize that your baby has grown up bigger.

About the author:
Amy C. Fayden, author of "Newborn Guide, Nursing A Baby in Its First Month."

Baby Shower Games For Your Special Baby Shower

So you're holding a baby shower? Then you will need baby shower games to keep the guests entertained. While the baby shower is a good time to pamper the mom-to-be and make her feel very special there are also a number of guests that need to be kept happy for the duration of the event. Our focus here is on baby shower games, since these are always the most memorable part of any baby shower.

Baby shower games can be both silly and entertaining by overall they should be plain old fun. Some are intended to embarrass the mom-to-be, but others can really be fun and may even teach the guests something. The promise of a prize, even something token like, always adds to the enjoyment too.

Games can be a great way to get guests to mingle at a shower especially if they dont know each other and it is also a great ice breaker. Here are some ideas for choosing the right baby shower games:

In the planning stages of the baby shower, be sure to discuss potential game ideas with the mom-to-be. She may have some definite dislikes when it comes to baby shower games, and since it's her day, you want to be sure to plan something she'll enjoy and be very comfortable with.

Plan the first baby shower game for early in the party because it can make for a great icebreaker, so try to schedule it for just after everyone arrives but just before the main food courses and gift opening.

Pick a game that is connected to your theme. Whatever your decorating and food plans, you can tie it all together with a well-chosen game in the same theme.

Prepare in advance. If your game requires writing, be sure you've gathered up enough pens and pencils beforehand. And the same thing goes for other objects: have it all ready to go so guests dont have to wait.

Choose creative but inexpensive prizes as token items for guests. The fun of the game should be in the playing, but it's nice to have a prize and enters a little competitive spirit. Take pictures during the baby shower game. They make great additions to a mom's scrapbook and as a long term keepsake for the baby.

Choose easy Games.

Games should be easy to explain and easy to play. Anything confusing or difficult takes all the fun out of it and people get bored before the game even begins.

So now that you know how to plan for the shower games, here are some of the more popular shower games for you to incorporate into your event:

Guessing the Baby Food - Remove the labels from a few jars of baby food after marking the lids by numbers. Make a list of the contents of each jar. Each person has to taste the food and try to guess what it is pear, potato, custard, beef etc. Let everyone write down the number from the jar and what they think is in it. The person with the most correct guesses wins the game!

The Tray Game - Place a number of baby items on a tray. (Usually about 15-20). Slowly circle the room allowing each guest a chance to examine the items. Remove the tray from the room and see who can remember the most items on a paper in 2 minutes. Usually the items on the tray go to the expectant mom and the winner gets a small prize.

Guess the Girth - Check with the guest of honor in advance on this one. All you need is a ball or two of string. Ask guests to cut a length of string that they think will stretch around the future mom's belly. After everyone has had a turn, the mother-to-be measures and cuts a string that fits her belly. Compare her string to all the guests' pieces of string. The person who was closest wins a small prize. This is a great icebreaker and always good for some laughs.

Baby Picture Match Game - In advance, ask all the guests for pictures of themselves as babies. Assemble the photos on a pin up board and assign a number to each photo. At some point during the shower, pass out sheets of paper to the guests so they can match each baby to the appropriate grown-up. If the guests don't know each other well, name tags can help the process. The person who gets the most correct answers wins.

Looking for baby bedding, baby gift baskets, baby furniture, baby shower invitations, baby strollers, Robeez shoes, baby shower games or themes, please visit

Baby Expense: What To Do When Baby

As you probably know, baby expense should be high on your list of things to plan for, before the baby comes. There is no cheap way to have and raise a baby: it takes sweat, work, lots of cash, patience, and more to have a happy, healthy baby. Some studies suggest that you will spend anywhere between $150,000 and $200,000 for your kids by the time they are 18 years old, not including private schools, special lessons, or college.

But if you waited until you had enough money, time and energy to have your baby, you would probably end up without any children. Here you*ll find a few ways to ease the finances, so that you can enjoy your new bundle of joy.

1. Get health assistance - if you don*t have health insurance, and can*t afford it, doctor*s bills can ad up really easy. But there are options out there for people just like you. This baby expense will probably be one of your biggest, so don*t be afraid to ask for assistance if your family needs it.

2. Breastfeed your baby, if possible. It*s free, it*s convenient, and it might help against breast cancer. It*s recommended as being the best form of nutrition for baby.

If you can*t breastfeed, don*t feel guilty. Try to apply for WIC (Women , Infants, and Children): , a program designed to help middle and low income families with educational resources and food. You can also save money by buying formula in bulk, clipping coupons, and accepting free samples whenever they are offered. This is a baby expense you can*t do without.

3. Diapers - Some diapers are better than others, but most are basically the same. Store brand disposable diapers can be just as good as the name brand, for several dollars less than their name brand counterparts. You can save even more, if you use cloth diapers instead of disposable. As with breastfeeding, it*s a little more work involved, but well worth it.

4. Diaper Rash Prevention - instead of taking action after your baby got a diaper rash, prevent it with a drop of olive oil applied to their bottom every time you change their diaper: it works wonders (you should check with your doctor first).

5. Baby food - When it comes to baby food, a blender is your best friend: it will help you keep this baby expense at its lowest. Not only is it much cheaper, but it*s so much healthier! Save the little baby food jars for quick trips, or special occasions, and give your baby pureed food made by you. You can cook a week*s supply on the weekend, put the blended vegetables in the ice cube tray, for a few hours, and then place them in a freezer bag. Depending on your baby*s appetite and age, you can microwave one, two or three cubes before meal time. It*s quick, healthy and inexpensive.

6. Clothing - There is no need to buy expensive designer clothing for you little one. Do you think anyone will really notice that your baby is wearing Tommy Hilfiger? Babies look cute in anything: don*t waste your money! You can get most of your baby clothing at yard sales or second-hand stores.

7. Toys - they are big business, but you don*t have to feel pressured to get the latest and most expensive models. My kids were happy with everyday items as their toys: empty shampoo bottles (make sure they are cleaned and rinsed very well before handing them to your baby), plastic bowls, plastic containers from food products (margarine, sour cream , etc.) that they could stack up, etc. Also, buy some toys that will help with your baby*s development, are durable, and are age appropriate: a baby expense worth the money.

8. Wills - Get a will or update your old will. Name a guardian for your child and the trustee of your child*s inheritance (often but not always the same person). Without a will, the court will name these individuals and also split up your assets in accordance with state law which may not be the way you would wish. Please don*t try to avoid this baby expense: your kid*s future might depend on it. A simple will that includes a trust for minor children costs between $150 and $250.

Here are links to some great baby resources:

- generic brand wholesale diapers

Baby Girl Shower Invitations

Baby girl shower invitations basic theme is the welcoming of baby girls into the fold of a family. Baby showers celebrate the arrival of a baby/babies into this world. Actually, a baby born into a family ensures the continuity of the family lineage.

As such, the coming of a baby (whether girl or boy) always gives a family and their friends a great occasion for rejoicing. The baby showers honor the would-be-mothers and makes the period of anticipation a little easier for her.

The baby shower ceremonies are usually celebrated during the pregnancy period. By convention, baby showers are held for the first child. Baby showers are organized to receive or arrange funds for the would-be parents. This is an immense help for the first time parents-to-be.

The guests may also make gifts for the baby-to-be born. This gives the parents a chance to gather things that they might find difficult to arrange out of sheer ignorance or due to costs involved. With families becoming smaller, each child gets more individual attention and baby shower ceremonies have become more common in the past 15 years.

Following tradition, baby showers are organized by family friends, rather than by immediate families. Actually, the immediate families of the couple (would-be-parents) are the chief guests. Close friends, relatives and even neighbors with whom the would-be-mother is on intimate terms make it to the invited circle.

This alleviates the spirit of the would-be-mother and hence the host of the shower, needs to make wise choice of guests while sending out baby girl shower invitations. The guests should receive the baby girl shower invitations well in time, say about two weeks ahead, so that they can surely make it to the celebration.

The host of the baby shower should always remember that the baby may arrive ahead of time and, therefore, should fix a day not too close to the anticipated due date.

Nowadays, however, baby showers are also held for the adopted babies as well. These ceremonies are, in fact, an announcement of the induction of the adopted baby into the family tree and are held after the adoption proceedings are over.

Sometime the parents spend a month or two with the adopted baby girl and it is only then that they send the baby girl shower invitations.

It is through a baby girl shower invitation card that one makes the proper baby girl birth announcements. Printed shower invitation cards are available for single baby, twins, triplets, and so on. You may personalize the baby girl shower invitations by your own words. Baby girl shower invitations showcase different themes.

Adoption showers, surprise showers, triplet and twin baby showers and even holiday and Christmas baby showers find expression in these invitations. The shower cards are excellent in quality and finish.

Since a shower ceremony lasts for two or more hours, some kinds of food have to be served in the parties. Full meals are not usually served at a baby shower. Rather, what are offered are simply finger-foods.

Snacks or dessert foods like chips, pretzels, ice cream, pie and cake are offered to the guests. Sometimes it is replaced by a fruit or vegetable tray, which certainly is a healthy alternative and is a preferable option for the would-be-mother and to be born baby. There should be coffee and punch available for the guests. You may also choose to have soft drinks or other beverages available.

Alcoholic drinks should be avoided as a mark of respect for the mother-to-be. The would-be-mother should not indulge into drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks. However, food served in shower parties varies with the theme.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

How to Have the Perfect Baby Boy Invitations

Baby boy invitations are the first thing youll need to share the good news of the new arrival with all your friends. Its time to celebrate and baby showers are the perfect way to express love and thoughtfulness to the mother and baby to be.

Perfect baby boy shower invites are essential to planning successful baby showers for a boy. Consider ordering baby shower invitations online for timesaving convenience. You can find a cute, funny, or sentimental baby boy shower invitation easily.

There are many things to consider when designing baby shower invitations for a boy: style, theme, and important baby shower information. Youll want to include details about the mothers preferences, such as nursery colors and decor, and if the mother has any specific needs. For instance, maybe shes inherited a crib from her family, but really needs a stroller.

Also, be sure to list where the mother is registered for baby shower gifts, and if she doesn't have a baby registry, encourage her to do so.

Baby shower invitations for boys can come in all sorts of styles, ranging from playful to traditional. For a real keepsake, opt for baby shower boy invitations with a photo. Some excellent choices are a picture of the expectant mother, or perhaps the expectant mother and father, a picture of the newborn if the baby shower is planned after the birth, or the newborn and mother. Choose the one that works best for you. Scrapbookking is a popular hobby today, and your baby boy shower invitations will likely be a treasured memory for the family for years to come.

Now, what information should you include on the baby boy shower invites? After you have chosen the style for the invitations, you need to add the important details of where and when. Be sure to pick a time and place that is best for the mother.

When baby showers take place before the birth, its best to plan them at least two months in advance. This allows for the occasional unexpected early deliveries and gives the mother time to arrange and organize all of her new things before the heaviest and hardest part of her pregnancy. Remember, mom needs lots of time to rest and adjust to all of the new changes.

If the baby shower is taking place after the delivery, you want to plan the baby shower for at least 4-6 weeks after. This gives mother and baby time to adjust to their new routines before being the center of attention at a big event such as the baby shower. Baby showers given after the birth have an advantage because the name and sex of the baby are known for sure. This makes baby shower gift giving more personalized and even simpler for the mother by saving her time, sparing her from needing to make unwanted exchanges.

Think of how many baby shower or other type of invitations will be needed in your lifetime! Take out the middleman and do it yourself to add your own unique style and ensure its done on time and done right the first time.

A final tip: proofread thoroughly before the final print of the baby shower invitations for a boy to make sure that all of the information on the invitations is accurate. Names, dates, addresses, and phone numbers need to be spelled correctly.

Baby showers are a fun and delightful way to honor your sister, neighbor, co-worker or friend. This is your special gift to them. A baby shower invitation is only the beginning to planning the best baby shower and making the baby shower a memorable occasion for all the participants.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Baby Shower Recipes

Baby shower recipes are available on the Internet and in various cook books. It is a great idea to have a wide variety of snacks, drinks, and desserts since people enjoy so many different things. Most people who are planning a baby shower plan a few simple appetizers. Some juice, pop, perhaps a punch, and some desserts such as cake and cookies. Try to stick to the baby shower theme and basic flavors and your culinary work will be appreciated by all that attend.

There are cook books at your local book store that offer great ideas for baby shower recipes. There are many cook books that guide you through entertaining a variety of occasions, not only baby showers. Some of these parties could be bridal showers, Halloween parties, and holiday entertaining, not just baby shower parties.

One of the tastiest treats at a baby shower is baby shower punch. This type of baby shower punch is quite delicious and always alcohol free. The new or expectant mother would surely like to enjoy some as well! There are many different types of baby shower punch recipes. Some of the most delicious weve tried for a baby shower are as simple as orange juice, Sprite, and orange sorbet.

If you do a search on the Internet for baby shower punch recipes you are sure to find many baby shower recipes to choose from.

If you prefer, you can always have some white wine or champagne on hand to add to each cup of the punch. Be sure to check with the new mom if this is okay with her.

Baby cake is another must-have treat at a baby shower. A baby shower cake can be any sort of cake that you choose, shaped into a baby-type shape. This can be anything really, but the most popular shapes for baby showers are bottles, diaper pins, and teddy bears. Chocolate or vanilla are the most popular type of cake used to make a baby cake. You can do something a little different though with black forest, angel food, or marble cake for your baby shower.

Of course there is the other type of baby cake. It is essentially a gift basket containing items for the new parents and baby. These are usually referred to as baby diaper cakes or just simply a diaper cake.

Appetizers are also a must at a baby shower. You should have a variety of different types. Be sure to have some vegetarian ones since many people dont eat meat these days. Keep in mind that seafood allergies, especially to shellfish are also common.

A great type of appetizer is baked brie. This is always a hit at baby showers and so easy to make. All you need is a round of brie placed into a baking dish. Place garlic cloves and sun dried tomatoes on top and bake at a medium temperature for approximately 15 minutes. It should melt nicely and the cloves of garlic should be soft. This goes well with crackers or baguette rounds for your baby shower party.

Some other baby shower recipes could be finger sandwiches, crackers and cheese, spinach dip, veggie plates, and fruit plates. If you are expecting a large crowd to show up you may want to consider asking some close family members to help with the baby shower food. Making all these appetizers may sound simple, but if you are planning baby shower food for 20 or so people you could be in the kitchen for hours.

The Internet is a great resource for finding help and guidance for all of your baby shower planning.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

When to Have a Baby Shower

When to have a baby shower is a personal choice. It can be held anytime 4-6 weeks before or after the birth. Moreover, it can be held any day of the week and at any time of the day that is suitable for the mom-to-be, her family and the invited guests.

Traditionally, having a baby shower before the birth was very common. Today it is a matter of personal choice and convenience.

If the shower is to be held before the birth, then it is preferable that the gifts should be those related to newborn babies and in neutral colors as well as gender neutral.

Today it has become popular to hold the shower a month or two after the birth. It has its own advantages, like mother is somewhat worry free about her pregnancy. She doesn't have that large belly, so can participate in more baby shower games and other activities. She can eat whatever she feels like, unlike when she was pregnant.

Sometimes it can be more appropriate to host a baby shower after the birth if the mother is having a difficult pregnancy or her religion discourages celebrating the baby's birth beforehand.

Having the baby shower after the baby is born has other advantages as well. Now you can be certain that the gifts can relate to the gender of the newborn.

So as to when to have a baby shower, before or after is just fine, but it is a good idea not to hold the shower too near the anticipated birth date. Otherwise the mother's health may not be good enough for her to enjoy or even take part in the games or activities. Also, the baby could of course arrive late or prematurely.

Similarly, the next issue while choosing when to have a baby shower is to know whether she is a first time mother, or if this her second or more birth.

Baby showers before the baby arrives are great fun for first-time mothers to look forward to in the last month of her pregnancy. In this case the expectant couple (she and the daddy) can play and dream with all the gifts while awaiting their dream baby. For the second and subsequent babies, baby showers (also called sprinkles) can be held before or after the baby is born. The upside of holding the baby shower after the baby's birth is that gifts can be chosen by the gender of the baby and mother is more relaxed.

As per the old tradition, a baby shower is only held for the first baby. However, the modern view is that baby showers can be held for successive babies as well. Frankly speaking, it is a matter of personal preference and we have seen baby showers for 4th or 5th babies.

However, it is considered to be a good idea if the hostess can confirm and discuss with the guest of honor and potential guests how they feel about holding a second or third. If a majority of the people agree, you have all the reasons you need to go ahead with the shower.

Generally gifts for the subsequent baby showers are being targeted to more useful everyday items. Those that the baby may need and most of the time they are less expensive than for the first baby. However, nothing can stop you if you wish to give more expensive gifts on any subsequent showers.

My personal viewpoint is that a baby shower should be held for every baby. Moreover, showers are not just gift giving and taking rituals, but something more than that. They are given to bless and congratulate the mom-to-be and her family. But that is just my personal opinion, so go with what you have planned either way.

Baby showers are a time tested noble celebration. A social event and a good excuse for friends and family to get together and to celebrate the birth of a baby.

Moreover, in recent times pregnancies and deliveries have become quite an expensive affair. So this could help the parents financially as well.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Baby Shower Game Distraction

The best baby games for baby showers to entertain all of your guests and let the mother-to-be benefit from the experience of others. Your baby shower then will become more than a party. Its an entertaining learning experience.

One of the most educational baby games for baby showers for new moms is also often the most fun. Its called Distraction. This is for two or three players at one time. The supplies you need will be two to three dolls.

Because baby showers are usually held in the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. Its probably more relaxing and fun for the mommy-to-be to only watch. This is because this is one of the more active baby games for baby showers.

Two or three volunteers (perhaps one or two people who dont yet have children?) are the actors. They begin simply by holding the dolls. The baby shower hostess tells them their babies are crying. They each try to console the baby.

This is where the distractions begin. Members of the audience (your other baby shower guests, including the guest of honor) begin yelling out distractions one at a time. All of the acting mothers have to deal with each distraction, while still comforting their crying baby.

As baby games for baby showers are for the entertainment of the baby shower guests, let them get as creative as possible. Potential distractions can include the dog needing to go outside. Then maybe they waited too long to let the dog out and have to clean up a doggie accident while not dropping the crying baby.

Meanwhile, the UPS man comes to the door needing the mommies to sign for a package. The phone might also be ringing while something is burning on the stove. Get the picture?

Its hilarious to watch the ways the mommy actors deal with all of the distractions. These types of baby games for baby showers are also good for the real mommy-to-be to pick up some words of advice from veteran mothers.

She might get a few ideas while enjoying a good laugh. Maybe when the time comes for her to actually deal with similar distractions. She will think back to the baby games for baby showers at her party and be able to smile.

Other great baby games with an educational twist - both for the mommy-to-be and the baby-to-be - include birthday card or videotape advice activities. With the birthday cards, each guest gets an age.Its a good idea to start with age 10 or so. The baby shower guests then write a special message to the baby. They write this message on a card that will be opened once the child reaches the age specified. Each baby shower guest should read her card aloud before sealing the envelope.

Videotape advice requires a camcorder or digital video camera. However, if those are not available, it can also be done with a tape recorder. But that isnt quite as nice. The baby shower guests simply each give words of advice to the new mom. The hostess can guide the baby shower guests as far as advice.

Possible ideas for your baby shower games are When youre feeling stressed, you should.. or describing what to expect with different ages. Not only are these activities fun baby games for your baby shower guests, they will be cherished keepsakes for Mom to enjoy over the years.

Instead of just rehashing the same old baby games, try to bring in some creativity to provide more entertainment to your baby shower guests. And always think of why youre all there to celebrate the birth of a child and help prepare a new mother.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Baby Gift Registry

A furniture gift registry helps us streamline to the best choice. Through an online gift registry, parents can find out exactly what is required for their baby. The guests could also use the help of the gift registry to make the choice of that perfect gift. It takes 15 minutes to create a furniture baby gift registry and the amount and variety of baby furniture you could possible see has to been seen to be believed. While going through an online gift registry, you could see furniture which would serve the needs of the baby. For example, High chairs are something which would help the baby eat comfortably.

Here is some of the ideal baby furniture you would find in a furniture baby gift registry:

Baby changing tables: They provide a hygienic plane for place for parents to change baby diapers. The changing pads are made of cloth or plastic while the changing tables are made of wood. The baby is placed on the changing pad. The changing tables height should be of the right type, neither too or too low. Choose a changing pad which could be protective and padded properly. A changing table should have a protection barrier and should be held close to the tables base.

Highchairs: High chairs allow the parent to teach the baby to eat. An ideal baby high chair is the one which is durable and does not wobble. One should look to buy a high chair from a manufacturer who is reputed in the baby furniture industry. That goes for all the baby furniture products but more for the high chair. A tip to choose an ideal high chair would be one with a belt having adjustable shoulder straps to hold the baby safely and also a removable tray to facilitate cleaning.

Co-Sleeper: Co-sleeper is another baby furniture gift registry item which is the favorite of every mother. It allows mothers to hold the baby close to them when sleeping, or feeding them. They are built in such a way that the baby is at close proximity to them and there is a small partition which joins mama-papas bed with the babys bed.

Night stands: Night stands are the babys shelf. Here you can put all your babys daily products like clothes, bottles and diapers. When choosing a night stand or a baby dresser from the baby gift registry, make sure that the color of the night stand intermingles with the color of the room and is also close to its bed and changing table.

Baby crib: This is one of the best buys in the baby furniture gift registry. Since the baby crib is an ideal bed for the baby to sleep comfortably till it is about 2 yrs old, you have to see that the crib which you choose is the best one for your baby. The crib has to be strong and durable, from a reputed company. It should be free from rough edges or unnecessary protrusions. The cribs could be standard ones with single or double sided openings, or ones which look cradles (having a rocking motion to put it to sleep comfortably). The cribs which are on the expensive sides are the convertible ones and theme oriented metal built canopy cribs, with beautiful fabric. For example, you could have a canopy crib which could look like a baby princess bed.

So while choosing baby furniture from the baby gift registry, choose the one which is safe, secure and easy on the baby.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy is owner of How to Plan a Baby Shower where you can get more tips and ideas for your baby shower. You can also purchase and find free baby shower games. Randy owned and operated a very successful storefront/mailorder business from 1988 to 2003. Currently full time owner/operator of several online businesses.

Baby Crib Safety - Frequently Asked Questions

The crib is where your baby will spend a lot of their time and you want to be sure they are safe. Below are some of the questions (with the answers) that are asked about crib safety. Topics such as mattress position, how to place your baby in the crib, and general safety standards are discussed, as are other issues. If you need further information you can search the Internet and visit baby furniture stores.

Q. Are there safety standards for baby cribs?

Yes there are some very exact standards for your babys crib. In 1974 it was made law that cribs should no longer be painted with lead based paint. It was discovered that the ingestion of lead (from any source) could cause learning disabilities and other difficulties in young children. The slats of the crib must be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart, this is to prevent your baby from getting his body or head stuck between the bars causing injury or strangulation. The side bar should be 26 inches above the mattress when it is in its lowest position. If your child is more than an inch taller than the sidebar it is time to move him into a regular bed.

Q. Are there some hazards in my babys crib that I need to be aware of?

Your mattress must fit snugly in the crib; an ill-fitting mattress could cause your baby to slip between the mattress and the side bar causing suffocation. The mattress height should be able to be adjusted into at least three different levels. When your baby becomes more mobile you will want to put the mattress in the lowest position to prevent your baby from climbing or falling out. The slats should be tight, loose slats could pinch little fingers. Do not put the crib near a window to prevent your baby from possibly falling out or becoming tangled in Venetian blind cords.

Q. What are some historical facts about the crib?

Here is a short chronological time line of crib facts:

1973 - The standard for crib slats was to be no more than 2 3/8th inches apart to prevent your baby from slipping through or getting their head stuck. Also, double latches for drop-down sidebars were to become the norm.

1976 - The standard for cutouts in the crib end panels are presented. The end panels must not have any decorative cutout designs. Children were getting their limbs or heads caught causing serious injury or death.

1978 - Cribs must now be painted with non-toxic finish.

1981 - Two models of cribs with cutouts are recalled.

1988 - A voluntary standard addresses mattress support hardware, failure of glued or bolted connections, drop-side latch failure and loosened teething rails.

1990 - No corner posts or projections can be more than 1/16th of an inch above the drop-side.

1998 - California and Washington mandate that hotel cribs must meet the same standards set for full-size cribs

1998 - Portable cribs must now meet the same standards as full-sized cribs.

Q. How can I tell when my baby is ready for a regular bed?

When your child stands more than a couple of inches taller than the sidebar with the mattress in the lowest position. If your child is climbing out of the crib, for his safety put him in a regular bed.

Q. How should I put my baby to sleep in his crib?

Place your baby on his back or on his side for sleeping. Use one piece sleepers rather than blankets. Your baby could slip under the blanket and possibly suffocate. Remove all pillows and toys as well, in order to prevent suffocation.

Q. Is it safe to cover my baby with a blanket?

A blanket sleeper will keep your baby sufficiently warm while sleeping. If you absolutely need to use a blanket, tuck it in around the bottom of the mattress. Place your baby with his feet toward the end-panel and the blanket should go no higher than his/her chest.

Q. Is a mesh sided crib safe to use for my baby?

Yes, a mesh crib is safe provided the mesh is less than 1/4 inch in size, smaller than a tiny button on babys clothes. The should be rips, tears, or loose threads. If staples are used to attach the mesh they must not be exposed and the mesh must be securely attached to the top rail and the floor plate.

Q. Can I safely use bumper pads in my babys crib?

While bumper pads are not necessary, they can safely be used. They must be very close the edge of the mattress and properly secured. The bumpers must be flat and not puffy, as your baby could get stuck between the bumper and the mattress and suffocate.

Q. What can I do to keep my babys crib safe?

In order to keep your babys a safe place, you should make sure to all connections are secure and that there are no broken or missing parts. Regularly, check the teething rail for splits or cracks. Make sure the mattress spring support and your crib will withstand your babys increasing mobility. The mattress itself should have no splits, tears, or holes.

Q. How can I tell when its time to lower the mattress?

When your baby becomes more active, when s/he begins to pull himself to a standing position or when he sits up alone it will be time to lower the mattress to prevent your little one from either climbing out or falling out.

Q. Can I hang a mobile over my babys crib?

Mobiles and crib gyms can be used to entertain your baby but when your child is able to get on to their hands and knees or pull themselves up. This will prevent your baby from becoming entangled in them.

In Conclusion

Making sure your babys crib is safe, is an ongoing to task. Proper positioning of the mattress, making sure all connections are secure and that there are no loose slats that could pinch little fingers will help to keep your babys crib a safe place for him to be. Be sure to place him in the crib on his back or side and dress him in a sleeper rather than using a blanket. Keeping these tips in mind will help keep your baby safe and give you some peace of mind.

About the Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Nursery Bedding which includes Baby strollers, Baby car seats, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

Baby Car Seats Safety - Frequently Asked Questions

In this article you will be provided with information about baby car seats and keeping your baby safe while in the car. There are tips for buying new and used baby car seats. Answers to some of the most asked questions about car seats are provided as well.

Q. What is the best baby car seat?

The best car seat is the one that matches your babys size and weight. It also fits properly in your car and is easily installed.

Q. What types of baby car seats are available?

There are several types of baby car seats such as infant seats, front facing car seats, and convertible seats. There are also combination seats (can face front or rear), booster seats and integrated car seats. With each type of seat there are variations.

Q. Is a five-point harness or a shield safest for my baby?

A five point harness gives your child the greatest protection because it holds your baby tighter in the seat in the event of a crash. A T-Shield or over-the-head restraint allows too much room or can get in the way of chubby tummies and legs. The stalk of the T-Shield can cause serious injury to your baby.

Q. How can I find out how to safely install my babys car seat?

All car seats (except most second hand seats) come with printed directions. If after reading the directions you still are not sure how to properly install it. You can call or email the manufacturer. Some police stations and hospitals have assistance programsas well.

Q. Is there a correct way to secure my child in the baby car seat?

Yes, there is a correct way in which to secure your child in his car seat. How you secure your baby in the car seat will likely depend on the age and size of your baby. For children under a year of age they should be placed in rear-facing seats in the centerof the rear seat. Older children can sit facing front and their seat are generally placed behind the driver or passenger in order to utilize the shoulder/lap belts.

Q. What is LATCH?

LATCH refers to Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children. It is a baby car seat installation system. The lower hooks are attached between the bottom of the back of the seat and seat itself. The tether piece is a strap made of seat belt material with a clip that secures forward facing baby car seats and prevents excessive movement of the babys head in crashes.

Q. What is a Tether?

The tether is a strap made of seat belt material with a clip. It attaches to the clips on the seat and secures front facing baby car seats. In a crash it prevents excessive movement of the seat and the babys head, reducing the severity of injuries.

Q. How can I tell when my child is ready to use car seat belts without a booster seat?

Your child will be ready for using the car safety restraint system when s/he can sitall the way back in the seat and the knees can bend comfortably over the edge of the seat. The belt crosses the shoulder between the neck and the arm and the lap belt is low and touches the thighs. Your child must be able to remain seated the whole trip.

Q. Can a baby car seat be used safely in an airplane?

Yes it can. Airlines require children age 2 and under, to be in approved car seats. The seats must be 16 inches or less to fit in the airplane seats. Call ahead and find out ifyour seat is an approved seat. Once on the plane, the hostess/es, will be able to assistyou.

Q. Is it safe for me to use second-hand baby car seats?

Yes it is safe to use second-hand baby car seats provided you do a safety check. Belts and harnesses should not be frayed or cracked. There should be no cracks or tears in the seat cover and the seat should recline easily and stay upright when the baby is seated. Look into the history of the seat, if it has been in a car crash do not buy it, its ability to safely restrain your child has been compromised. If the seat doesnt come with a manual contact the manufacturer to ensure the seat will be properly installed.If the seat is more than 5 years old do not use it, it may have been in a crash and older baby car seats may not fit in new model cars.

Q. What should I do if my baby car seat is recalled?

In most cases, the manufacturer will provide you with instructions of what to do if baby car seat is recalled. In some cases they will replace it for free they will have you bring it somewhere to get replacement parts also at no cost to you.

Q. Are there baby car seats available for children with special needs?

Children with special needs may require different restraint systems. Discuss your options with your pediatrician. Agencies such as Easter Seals have programs and information on baby car seats for special needs children.

Q. What is the best type of harness for my baby car seat?

There are four types of harnesses in baby car seats. The six-point harness has two straps at the shoulders, two at the hips and two at the crotch. The five-point harness has two straps at the shoulders, two at the hips and one at the crotch. The t-shield is a padded triangle that latches at the crotch while the overhead shield comes down from over the head and latches at the crotch also. The safest harnesses are the five or six-point harnesses. These prevent excessive movement of the baby in crash situations. The t shield and the over-head shield allow for too much room and could cause your baby to be ejected from the car in a crash.

In Conclusion

You can never go wrong if you err on the side of caution when it comes to your baby. The size and weight of your baby as well as your budget will decide what type of seat you will purchase. This article has provided you with a number of tips to keep your baby safe while riding with you in the car.


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About the Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Nursery Bedding which includes Baby strollers, Baby car seats, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

Baby Clothes for Your Baby Shower Gift

Baby clothes are one of the most popular types of gifts for new and expectant parents at a baby shower. Shopping for baby apparel and baby stuff is something a lot of people especially new parents enjoy.

Baby boutique clothing is one of the most popular baby shower gifts you can buy. If you live in a larger town or city. There is bound to be many baby boutiques in your area. Baby boutique clothing is an especially nice gift when you purchase a fancy little outfit. The parents might not normally choose to buy this for their baby.

There are many different types of baby clothes that you can buy for a baby shower gift. There are also different shops and boutiques where you can find baby apparel. Try to find something unique as the new parents will probably have more sleepers than they will know what to do with.

Baby boutiques offer designer infant clothing which may seem somewhat extravagant and unnecessary to some. But baby boutique clothing really does make a wonderful baby shower gift. Little dresses for baby girls and overalls for baby boys make especially adorable gifts.

Online infant clothing gives you pretty good deals: Baby clothing shopping can take you all over your local mall. But some of the best baby clothes can be found online. There are literally hundreds of online baby clothes shops. And you can find some excellent deals.

If you are unable to attend a baby shower that you have been invited to you can always purchase something on the Internet. Then have it sent directly to the new parents door. This is especially convenient if you live out of town. Department stores also have great baby clothes sections. They offer a wide variety of styles, sizes, and brand names.

The most popular type of infant clothing to give at a baby shower seems to be sleepers and pajamas. Why not get something a little different. You can find some adorable dresses, skirts, pants, and shirts for the little one.

Baby slippers for little feet are also very popular. And why not add a tiny little hat to the whole ensemble. Baby clothes are one type of gift that you can pretty much guarantee the parents will get much use out of.

Baby clothes can be fancy and expensive, or simple and frugal. New parents will always appreciate getting gifts for their little one that they can use. Keep in mind what the parents tastes are, because normally they often they dress their baby in a similar fashion.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Diaper Cakes, Games for a Baby Shower and How to Plan a Baby Shower.

New Baby

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Youre having a new baby! Now, on to the serious stuff. Youre going to get yourself prepared for your new baby, mentally, physically and you will need to adjust your house and car for the new baby too!

Mentally preparing for the new baby

Remember this, women adjust to having a new baby faster than men; so, dont expect husbands to start being all fatherly after the pregnancy is announced. Theyre not like that. Women adjust better to the new baby, mentally, because they experience physical, emotional and psychological changes. These changes help them adjust to the new baby quicker. However, men start feeling the new baby when they see the bump or feel the flicker of baby movement over mommys belly.

Physically preparing for the new baby

Theres nothing much a new father can do to prepare to the new baby. What needs to be done by a father needs to be done BEFORE the new baby is conceived. However, the new father can try quitting smoking, quitting drinking and other vices once the new baby is conceived. Needless to say, the new mother needs to do the same too.

Planning for the new baby: the house and car

With the new baby, depending on whether youre planning to co-sleep with the baby or whether youre planning to plonk the baby in a separate room affects the changes to your home. Either way, we recommend having a separate room for your new baby, even if the new baby is going to be sleeping with the new parents for the first couple of months. A baby crib, some toys, a place to put all the babys clothes, shelves to convenient grab lotions, creams, diaper wipes, diapers, etc. off near the changing table is a MUST.

Youll also need to think about getting a baby chair too; baby chair for the house (at the right height for the dining table) and also a baby chair for the car (for traveling). Some baby chairs can be adjusted to fit the adult dining chair AND fit into the car at the same time. They are a little bit more expensive than the conventional baby chairs, but the multi-function is extremely convenient PLUS its downright comfortable for your new baby.

Other essential stuff for your new baby

Frankly speaking, the essentials depend wholly on your own preference, budget and lifestyle. You can live without some of these things if you think youd rather not waste the money.

If youve had previous babies before, you probably dont need too many new baby clothes. New babies outgrow their clothes terribly fast and itd be a waste of money to splurge on new clothes. You can get hand-me-downs from nieces and nephews too, if you want. What you should probably get are blankets, sweaters, coats, and clothes for going out. At home, your new babys not going to mind old clothes. In fact, its a fact that your new baby is probably going to like wearing the old clothes better than the new clothes. Dont forget the feeding utensils like baby bowls, breast pump (if youre planning to pump breast milk for your new baby at work), baby bottles, cloth nappies, diapers, baby wipes, lotions, shampoo, bath gels, towels, baby blankets, baby bedding, bibs, stroller, etc.

And dont worry, youll do fine. The best thing to do is to get unbiased referrals from friends and family.

Dakota Caudilla, journalist, and website builder Dakota Caudilla lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of on which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.

Preparing A Layette For Your New Baby

First of all, in case you do not know, what is a layette? Well, the definition of layette is quite simple: a kit consisting of a complete outfit (clothing and accessories) for a new baby.

Whether your new baby is going to be your first or fifth, taking that baby back home from hospital requires a lot of preparation. It is far better to have the essentials ready to make for a smooth return home with your new arrival. The last thing you will want to do in those first few days after the baby arrives is to run around buying any little necessities that you forgot. You will undoubtedly feel much more at easy, and able to concentrate on the baby, if you have everything prepared well in advance.

If you can get everything you need for the layette, whether bought new or second hand, or even borrowed, then you can feel relaxed about being able to deal with the initial practicalities of taking the baby home.

While it is nice to have everything brand new for your baby, it is worth thinking long and hard about whether that is at all necessary, or even desirable. One thing is certain, babies get to be very expensive, and they grow into even more expensive children and teenagers later on. Unless you are financially super secure long into the future, you may appreciate in the long run saving as much as you can in the early days.

Baby clothes especially are very expensive new, when you consider their tiny size. Whatever item you buy, your baby will soon out grow it, so new does not necessarily mean good value. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Remember, you are buying things for your baby, and your baby cares not one iota if the clothes you adorn them with are new, second hand or fourth hand. The baby will grow quickly, and the clothes may get soiled quickly if you are unlicky. All the baby needs is your love and care, plus comfort for sleeping and resting. It is all about security and love in the early stages. Your baby is not a fashion model.

Of course, you want the baby to look nice in what they wear, and they will pretty soon become conscious of their clothes. But if you are buying on a budget, there are plenty of low cost sources for all baby's needs. And they can look just as cute in second hand clothes as something brand new.

In practice, most people will go for a mix of new, quality seconds, and second hand clothes for their baby. You will, for sure, know the prices of the new clothes in the local stores. If you buy some second hand, the savings will soon mount up. To give yourself an incentive, why not set aside those savings into a bank account for the baby? You'll appreciate that later on, and so will the baby when they see the little nest egg growing as they get older.

Here are a few tips about buying for your baby layette:

Shopping For Your Layette In Quality Seconds Stores

As with adult clothing, baby clothes manufacturers sometimes have manufacturing errors. Usually, the missed stitch or not-quite-perfect seam is not anything that will affect wear, especially in the short time the clothing item will fit your baby. You could save as much as 70% off department store prices if you buy baby layette items at your local discount and seconds stores. Your new baby won't know, nor will she care.

Buy Layette Items In Charity Or Other Second Hand Stores

Newborn baby layette items are nearly always hardly used. Most babies just do not wear them long enough to do much damage. A visit to local charity stores, such as a Salvation Army thrift store, may enable you to buy a whole load of layette items that still look good, all for a few dollars.

Buy New Born Baby Clothes A Size Up

Many newborn babies hardly spend a month in the 0-3 month sizes. What you can do is save the smallest size for special occasions, as a good fit obviously looks smarter. Such occasions could be coming home from the hospital, the first visit to or from grandparents etc. Otherwise jump right to the 3-6 month size for any fitted clothing. For the same reason, stick to comfortable, stretchy cotton and terry knit materials for one piece sleepers. They should fit your baby fit much longer.

Easy Access Night Gowns

Drawstring bottom night gowns are just about the most convenient single item for your new baby at home. When baby needs her diaper changing, you can just pull up, change her, and then pull back down again. Do not be distracted by the reference to "night"; when your baby comes home, whether it's dark or light outside, it will always be night as far as she's concerned. She will be sleeping, lying their waking up, or falling asleep, just about 24 hours a day. The distractions will be for feeding and changing. In the middle of the real night, you will appreciate being able to change her with ease, rather than fiddling, in your half asleep state, with lots of poppers, zips and layers of clothing.

Multi Purpose Cotton Diapers

If you decide to use disposable diapers, do not rule out the purchase of some 100% cotton diapers as well, even if it's only one pack. They really are great to have around when you have a new baby, and even when baby becomes a young child. They are very useful as burp rags, laid over your shoulder or lap, as you burp the baby. But you will also find yourself using them for other things, such as wiping away dribbles, or worse. Rarely, a baby will even adopt one for comfort to suck at night. However, I am sure my 24 year old son would not want me to go further into that matter!

Wash Fabric Layette Items Before Baby Is Born

It is worthwhile using a very mild laundry soap, such as Dreft or Ivory Snow, to wash away any remnants of dyes, chemicals or starches. Babies have notoriously delicate skin, and allergic reaction can be a real problem. Bleaching used items is fine, but you must give a thorough rinsing before baby comes into contact.

Thats it! Im sure youll think of other things too, but thats just a few ideas for your baby layette as the big day nears.

This preparing for birth of baby article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the website.

Couples Baby Shower Honors Both Mom and Dad

If having a Couples Baby Shower seems odd to you, consider this: Mom-to-be did not get pregnant on her own. Nor will she likely be raising the baby on her own. So why should she get to celebrate on her own?

Dad-to-be plays a very big role in the new babys life so he should be a part of the baby festivities as well. A couples baby shower (also referred to as coed baby showers) doesnt just include dad-to-be in the honors. It also includes all of the other important men in the new babys life.

Grandfathers, uncles, cousins, and even godfathers will be able to join in a couples baby shower as well. Baby showers normally consist of cutesy decorations and silly games. But when you are having a couples baby shower, you will probably want to make a few adjustments. You still want to have baby decorations since it is a celebration of a baby at your couples baby shower. But you might want to refrain from using frilly decorations and lean more towards fun ones.

Cutting out the baby shower games may be a good idea for coed baby showers. Instead, give the male guests some screwdrivers and hammers. Then have them put together gifts such as toys and swings while mom and dad-to-be open the presents together.

If this sounds a little too stereotypical for you (me man, you woman, grunt, grunt). Then try playing baby shower games that both the men and women will enjoy at your couples baby shower. Have a contest to see who can drink a beer (or other carbonated beverage) out of a baby bottle the fastest.

Set up a large grid ahead of time with the dates of the month when baby is due. You can have guests write their name on the date when they think the baby will be born. The host or hostess can be responsible for sending a prize to the winner after the baby comes.

Another good idea for baby shower games for a couples baby shower is Pictionary. Make cards ahead of time with all sorts of baby items on them. Then use them for your home version of the popular game. Surely most of your baby shower guests will be able to draw rattle.

But what about messy diaper or nursing? Prizes for baby shower games can be anything you can think of, but if you are going to spend money on them, you should try to have something your guests will want to use. Baby shower favors should also be something your guests will use as well as being gender neutral. Some baby shower favor ideas include personalized lollipops or candy tins, baby themed cookies, or the ever popular bubble gum cigars.

If you do not know the sex of the baby yet you can purchase baby shower favors in both pink and blue. Then guests choose the color based on what they think the sex of the baby will be. It might be fun to do a tally at the end of the baby shower just to see how many of the guests think it will be a boy and how many think it will be a girl!

Food is also an important part of a couples baby shower. Though appetizers and finger sandwiches may be appropriate for a regular shower you may want some heartier fare for the couples baby shower. By adding more substantial items to your menu you will be catering (so to speak) to your male guests larger appetites.

One suggestion for a nice keepsake for mom and dad-to-be. Videotape wishes and tips for them. Ask willing guests to record a short greeting for the new parents (keeping it proper so Junior can watch it in years to come).

Also, don't forget to send the couples baby shower invitations.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy is owner of where you will find further tips on baby showers at

Quick Tips for a Successful Baby Shower

Here are guidelines or quick baby shower tips for hosting a successful baby shower party. Come and explore these quick tips. Read more

In this section we are discussing few quick tips for a successful baby shower. As we have discussed earlier. Baby showers are shifting. From the traditional to the modern fun oriented and realistic baby showers. Depending upon the ease and preference of the mom-to-be as well as the hostess.

There can be a great number of baby shower tips. From planning the baby shower. To inviting the friends to decorating the venue. To serving the baby shower food.

Whatever the case may be. The purpose of throwing the baby shower still remains to celebrate the occasion. While helping the expectant couple by giving them baby shower gifts.

The first concern while planning the baby shower is who should be the hostess? The older traditional rules suggest that close relatives should not host the baby shower. This would look like they are simply expecting presents and gifts. To be more realistic, the modern baby shower. Literally anyone can plan the shower. This would include family members, friends and/or co-workers.

Baby shower tips concerning if the mom-to-be can have more than one shower. Yes, a mom-to-be can have more than one baby shower. However, if there are more than one, the hostess of each would be wise to remember what the previous baby shower theme was. You don't want to have the same baby shower theme at each party. Also, try finding out what baby shower gifts were already given to avoid duplicating the baby shower gifts.

Here are quick baby shower tips for hosting a successful baby shower party:

Send invitations in a timely manner. Around 3-4 weeks in advance to the guests who live near by. For long distance baby shower guests, around 4-6 weeks in advance. Include directions in the invitations, you don't want the baby shower guests to get lost.

Greet all baby shower guests at the door as they arrive. It shows how much you care for them. Provide name tags so that everybody can identify the other guests easily, as they may not all know each other. Introduce the baby shower guests to one another at the beginning of the baby shower party. If you have a seating arrangement, sit people together who know each other or have something in common.

Engage the baby shower guests in some games so that they can enjoy their time and interact with each other. If you have proper space and have a large hall then provide tables for your guests to sit and eat if a meal is planned. Please don't expect them to eat with their plate in their lap.

Instead of placing gifts here and there, it is appreciated to bring the gifts to the mom-to-be as she opens gifts. Dont ask or even expect her to carry anything, especially bulky items (before and after the pregnancy). Because the time of the baby shower is around 1-2 months before or after, she is likely to feel weak during this time. Write down which baby shower guest gave which gift. This will help the mom-to-be when it comes time to send thank you cards.

Be sure to have enough baby shower party favors on hand. A little extra is good just in case! Get the party started on time and keep events moving at a good pace. You would be surprised just how long it can take to eat, open presents, play games, talk and eat cake. Walk guests to the door as they leave and thank them again for coming to the baby shower. Everybody feels special if they are given due attention.

Baby shower tips for the hostess: You should understand that if you are hosting the party then you should show the utmost responsibility and carefulness. A well-planned baby shower would be appreciated by everyone invited. You are not just attending the baby shower party. You are also running and organizing it too. When serving food, serve mom-to-be first and then your baby shower guests. You as the baby shower hostess should serve yourself last.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy lives in Wis, has 2 adult children, one grandaughter, and a pekingese dog named Cassie. Owner of where you will find further tips on baby showers and baby shower games.